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WHO Representative to Nepal warns of spike of COVID-19 cases



WHO Representative to Nepal Dr Jos Vandelaer

KATHMANDU: The WHO Representative to Nepal Dr Jos Vandelaer has said along with the increasing cases of COVID-19 infected persons, the rate of death among the infected elderly persons would also soar in Nepal.

In an interview released by the Ministry of Health and Population here on Tuesday, Dr Vandelaer alerted that the death case among the elderly infected persons could increase. 

He said, “Until few months ago, COVID-19 cases were mostly reported from the Nepalis returning from abroad including India. As the number of returning Nepalis has waned, the score of infected cases has also declined. But lately, the COVID-19 cases have risen alarmingly and there’s likelihood of dire state due to the pandemic.” 

As of today, the number of COVID-19 cases in Nepal has reached 33,533 while the number of casualty due to this flu-like infection stands at 164.

